Celebrating Agriculture Week

Celebrating Agriculture Week

Agriculture is often referred to as the backbone of civilization. It is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock for human sustenance. It is a multifaceted and ancient practice that has evolved over centuries, shaping the course of human history and development.

Storm Preparedness

Storm Preparedness

We've all experienced it, and for many of us, it's a recent memory: the moment when warning signs flash, tornado sirens wail, the lights start to flicker, and suddenly, we find ourselves plunged into darkness. Our daily lives are so intricately connected to electricity that losing this vital resource can bring everything to a standstill. However, there are proactive steps you can take to preemptively tackle the stress that accompanies an unforeseen power outage.

Solar Buzz

Solar Buzz

If you haven’t already heard, Governor Pritzker signed the revised Illinois Clean-Energy Bill in 2021. The bill is said to transition the state to renewable energy in the next three decades, by moving the states’ reliance of fossil fuels towards renewable energy such as wind and solar. The goal is to have 100% “clean energy” for the state of Illinois by the year 2050.