Benefits of Backup Generators
Each season in the Midwest introduces various weather conditions that can affect your power. Having a standby generator will alleviate any discomfort and aggravation that occurs in the case of power outages. Instances where a residential standby generator would be beneficial include:
- Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning
- Tornados
- Flooding
- Hail
- Severe Snow
Contact Ryan Electrical Solutions
Are you tired of being left in the dark during power outages? Don't let your daily routine be disrupted by unexpected blackouts. Ryan Electrical Solutions is here to help. Our team of experts can assist you in selecting the perfect standby generator for your home, ensuring that your daily activities are not interrupted. Not only do we provide expert advice on generator selection, but we also offer installation and repair services to guarantee that your generator is always operating at maximum efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take control of power outages.
Residential Generator FAQs
What is a residential backup generator?
A residential backup generator is a backup electrical system that automatically turns on when it detects power loss. When utility power returns, the generator will shut off until the next outage.
What powers residential backup generators?
Residential backup generators are powered by natural gas or liquid propane gas.
Why should I buy a backup generator instead of a portable generator?
During a power outage, a backup generator will automatically turn on and eliminate the need to haul and connect the generator. Backup generators are also less expensive to run, do not need to be refilled as often, and have also been recommended by the American Red Cross as the safety backup power source.
What size generator do I need for my house?
The size of the generator your house needs depends on the size and power needs. For a detailed estimate, contact Ryan Electrical Solutions, and our technicians can analyze your home's electrical needs and specify the residential generator that would be best.