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Be Proactive and Alleviate the Stress when it Comes to Keeping your Home Powered!

Lightening storm at nightWe’ve all been there (many of us in the past couple of weeks!)…the warnings are triggered, the tornado sirens sound, the power starts flickering and bam you’re without power! Our lives depend on electricity and when we lose this resource it can stop us in our tracks. But, there are options you can take now to avoid the stress that comes from an unexpected power outage.

Automatic Standby Generators

When thinking about your emergency power needs, it’s crucial to consider all available options. Portable generators are more cost effective, however, these are only capable of providing power to a few appliances. If you’re looking for peace of mind to ensure you can have your home heating/cooling system, refrigerators, freezers, lights, TVs, critical healthcare devices and more up and running, then an automatic home standby generator is the answer for you. These types of generators run on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel and sit outside your home. They can run continuously until power returns.

Ryan Electrical Solutions generator division can work with you to determine the proper size of an automatic home standby generator to fit your personal needs. Having a wrong size generator can be dangerous and result in issues providing adequate power to the items you need most. Plus, we now offer a Solar powered storage battery solution to give you even more assurance that you’ll maintain continuous power in your home!

As an extra bonus, Generac also has a very handy ‘severe weather’ checklist available. You can download a free copy here:

Outside of the obvious downfalls to a power outage, another stress that can come from keeping your home powered is the cost of electricity! We hear it over and over…electric rates are unstable and on the rise! But rest assured, there is a solution that comes with a major payback!


Solar panels on a home roofSolar Energy

Solar energy is a very popular topic, especially here in Illinois. The Future Energy Jobs bill that was instated has made Illinois one of the most attractive states for solar installation for both residential and commercial. One of the biggest misconceptions associated with solar panel installation is the cost. But in reality, solar rebates and tax credits currently available can cover up to 80-95% of the cost! You can also expect a 12%-20% return on investment!

Solar energy reduces your reliance on your local utility provider and can give you more control over your own power needs. And best of all, you’ll enjoy drastically reduced power bills!

When it comes to solar energy, every home and business is unique, which means your solar panel needs will also be different. The Ryan Electrical Solutions Solar Energy team can provide you with a free consultation and cost estimate. Give our office a call at (217) 698.4877 to learn more!

If you are considering a generator and/or solar energy, now is the time to get the ball rolling! Just like the old adage goes…“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” There’s a lot of things to worry about in the world, power supply doesn’t have to be one of them!

